CD: The Dinner Party


This was our first album as a trio. Al Payson on bass, Nick Saya on drums, great players both. This recording was done before I returned to the world of midi guitar. I had been listening to a lot of Stevie Ray Vaughn around this time and I think you can hear it in the writing and soloing. The song Spock, one of the most popular songs on the CD, started out as a piece based on the Spock character from Star Trek. It began with the bass line that was always played when Spock did his mind meld thing. But in the end the bass line morphed into something completely different. We kept the name though because that is how the song originated.

The art work here is kind of goofy. We wanted the artist to make us scary and sinister looking. Instead we look more like characters from the old Speed Racer cartoons. Regardless, the CD sounds great. Al and I had so much fun recording the sound effects between the tracks. I don’t think I ever laughed so hard.


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Burr Johnson (guitar); Nick Say (drums); & Al Payson (bass).


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